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Read the storyline below and start with clue #1! Move around the ranch following the clues in numerical order to solve the mystery!
October 1st, 1979. A crowd had gathered at the Wild West Saloon to relax after a long day’s work in the sun. All the sudden, they heard a commotion down in the corral. The crowd hustled down to check out the noise. Upon arrival, the corral was empty, and no one was there! Suddenly, the crowd heard a scream in the distance! As they all rushed back into the Wild West Saloon, they noticed Teal Richie, the Saloon owner, had been knocked off his feet and robbed blind! Teal Richie woke as the Sheriff and the crowd arrived. Someone must have stayed behind to commit this evil crime!
It is your job to help the Sheriff find this thief! Was it Babbling Betty, the bathhouse attendant? Was it the Prospector, mine worker? Was it the Lone ranger, a cowboy that goes to-and-fro? Who knows pardner, maybe it was you!
Start with Clue #1. Move around the ranch finding the rest of the clues in numerical order. Each clue will lead you to the next! Work with each other to solve this mystery. Once you have your suspect, scan the QR at the final clue location to find out if your detective skills are fine-tuned! But be sure you are ready, there is no cheatin’ in this town!
The Saloon Owner
The Head Cowboy
The Owner of the Bathhouse
The to-and-fro Cowboy
The Gold Mine Worker
The Owner of the Cuero